Major overhaul of Fargo CMS

I recognized the pattern, there was spaghetti starting to envelop the CMS code.

This happens when you add special cases by adding boolean parameters to routines.

That happens because when you wrote the high level code you didn't fully understand the problem. This al ways happens. The question is did you leave yourself the room in the schedule and with regard to potential breakage to actually rebuild the code so it correctly achieves its purpose? Too often you can't go back and re-engineer it, and you live with the bad construction. Then the code is fragile its whole life, so you don't build new layers on top of it, or if you do they're either inefficient or missing obviously valuable features.

I decided to rebuild this time. The problem was confusion over how and when index files would be built. And how to link to them in the Next/Prev links.

What I realized was the code was optimized for minimizing the amount of stack building. When I got to that point in the rebuild, I added a cache, so the upper level code could be totally simple and natural. It worked!

Now the question is can I use the software for its intended purpose? I was able to do that before. Can I still do that?

Last built: Mon, Jan 6, 2014 at 12:39 PM

By Dave Winer, Tuesday, December 3, 2013 at 11:43 AM.