I use a template for a type called medium to publish special blog posts on Scripting News, such as this one.

When I did the first release of the templates as open source, a few days ago, I forgot to include this one in the release because it was in a separate project, being managed not as one of the core templates.

When I realized this later, I couldn't think of a reason it shouldn't be out there, maybe people can improve on it. And I'm sure some people would like to use it.

As with all the other templates, you can find the original source in OPML and plain text in the fargoTemplates repository on GitHub.

With this release you should be able to use this template by changing the type attribute of your document to medium.

02/06/14; 12:52:15 PM

Last built: Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 6:11 PM

By Dave Winer, Thursday, February 6, 2014 at 12:52 PM.