1. RSS feeds now have rendered Markdown. Glossary elements from the global glossary and from cmsPrefs.opml are evaluated. See the Rendering for feeds post for entities that are not evaluated in feed rendering.

  2. Fixed a few more icons from the Font Awesome 4.0 integration.

  3. The Open by name command in the File menu now remembers the name of the last opened outline.

  4. Fixed a layout problem in the Outliner menu where command key names would overwrite the name of the command. Widened all the menus by 20 pixels.

  5. Fixed a problem in the default outline template where the wedges that expand and collapse the comments would be invisible.

  6. Added a <%slogan ()%> to the bottom of the page in the default outline template.

03/01/14; 05:29:24 PM

Last built: Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 6:11 PM

By Dave Winer, Saturday, March 1, 2014 at 5:29 PM.