An alternative to Markdown in outlines

  • I missed having expanding outlines, and I want to use the structure in interesting ways in RSS, so I decided to add a small feature to Fargo, that lets us edit outlines as they will be presented, with structure.

  • This blog post is an example of such an outline. As is the one you're reading now.

How to

  • To give it a try, create a headline of type outline with the big + icon in the left margin.

  • In the Attribute editor (click on the Suitcase icon in the left margin) add an attribute called flMarkdown, with the value false. When you're done the atts should look like this screen shot.

  • Then add some outline material under the headline. It's important to indent a few times and add structure, or else it'll look exactly like the Markdown-style posts.

  • When you click the Eye icon to view it, it should have wedges that you can click to expand and collapse the outline structure.


  • There are a few attributes you can use to control the way outlines are rendered. They're explained below.

  • leftIndent attribute

    • If you put a leftIndent attribute, a number, on a headline, all its subs, and their subs will be indented by that number of pixels. The default is 0.
  • collapse attribute

    • If you put a collapse attribute on a headline, its subs are initially collapsed. This lets you control the presentation.
  • img attribute

    • A URL, points to an image, which is added to the headline, floating to the right.
  • url attribute

    • If present it's where you go when the image is clicked on, if there is an img attribute.

Outlines in RSS items

  • Each item now has an outline element that contains most of the structure and attributes of the outline.

  • We don't include comments.

  • We don't include two attributes: isFeedItem (they are all true, because it's in a feed) and isComment (again, all true, because comments are not included).

  • The outlines are in the new source namespace. What you'll see in the feed is <source:outline>.

RSS fixes

  • In 1.63 we added macro and glossary processing to the RSS feed builder, but the processing was done in the wrong place. The result is that unencoded XML could end up in description and title elements. This is not legal XML. In 1.64 we do it selectively, before encoding, only in title and description elements.

  • We also evaluate Emoji codes in the feed.

Fix relating to tweets

  • When we introduced the tweet type it broke the eye icon. If a document contained a tweet, it sent you to a non-existent page when you click the eye.
07/12/14; 01:08:08 PM

Last built: Mon, Nov 3, 2014 at 7:57 PM

By Dave Winer, Saturday, July 12, 2014 at 1:08 PM.