<%icon (name)%> -- name is the Font-Awesome name for the icon.
<%includeHTTP (url)%> -- includes the contents of an HTTP request in the page.
<%prevNextLinks ()%> -- generates links to the previous and next page.
<%reader (opmlUrl, font, fontSize, lineHeight)%> -- embeds the outline in the page.
<%useMenu (name)%> -- generates a Bootstrap navbar with the named menu.
<%menu ()%> -- generates a Bootstrap navbar with the menu named by the menuname attribute.
<%breadcrumbs ()%> -- generates a Bootstrap breadcrumb trail for the current page.
<%byline ()%> -- generates a byline for the page.
<%disqusComments ()%> -- generates the code for a Disqus comment section.
<%rssLink ()%> -- generates an HTML <link> element to the site's RSS 2.0 feed.
<%slogan ()%> -- generates a random sometimes-snarky slogan.
<%googleAnalytics (account, domain)%> -- generates a Google Analyticis script, with the indicated account and domain.
<%formatDate (d, dateformat, timezone)%> -- formats a JavaScript date value using the strftime convention. The timezone is an offset of GMT.
<%socialMediaLinks ()%> -- generates a colorful standard set of icons for linking to the author's Twitter and Facebook accounts and the site's RSS feed.
<%userStyles ()%> -- returns an HTML <style> element with the user's #style prefs.
<%pagetableInJSON ()%> -- returns a JSON string with the scalar objects in the pagetable.
<%now%> -- the time/date when the page was built.
<%path%> -- the relative path to the page.
<%opmlDateCreated%> -- the creation date of the OPML file.
<%opmlDateModified%> -- the mod date of the OPML file.
<%opmlDescription%> -- the desciption head element from the OPML file.
<%opmlLink%> -- the link head element from the OPML file.
<%opmlLongTitle%> -- the title head element from the OPML file.
<%opmlOwnerEmail%> -- the ownerEmail head element from the OPML file.
<%opmlOwnerId%> -- the opmlOwnerId head element from the OPML file.
<%opmlOwnerName%> -- the opmlName head element from the OPML file.
<%opmlTitle%> -- the title head element from the OPML file.
<%opmlUrl%> -- the address of the OPML file.
<%text%> -- the text of the headine for this page, usually used as the page's title.
<%useBootstrap%> -- include the files necessary to use the Bootstrap Toolkit.
<%useFontAwesome%> -- include the files necessary to use Font Awesome.
<%useJQuery%> -- include the files necessary to use jQuery.