I've become a real nerd, and want to be part of the GitHub community, so I'm publishing my blog there now. I'm so happy about this! Yow.

12/27/13; 12:13PM

Hello. Dave asked me to try this, so what the hay!

If it worked this text will be green.

Luck of the Irish!

08/02/13; 11:36AM

I want to tell you a little story...

  1. I really enjoy using Fargo.

  2. But I told my boss I'm entering all the HTML myself.

  3. Please don't tell him otherwise!

07/16/13; 08:36AM

My name is Kim

I work at Bloatware.

I have a nice job.

Sports I like

  1. Skiing.

  2. Ice Hockey.

  3. Swimming.

  4. Baseball.

My favorite teams

  1. Rockies.

  2. Broncos.

  3. Nuggets.

A slogan for your consideration

Ask not what the Internet can do for you.

Want to know what time it is?

Thu Jan 30 2014 18:55:12 GMT-0500 (EST)

07/16/13; 07:59AM


  • My name is Kim Parker.

  • I am a senior evangelist.


  • I started at Bloatware in June.

  • I am learning the ropes.

  • Finding out where the bodies are buried.

    • Just kidding!


  • World domination!


  • What do you think?
07/16/13; 07:57AM

I'm in the office and it's so quiet. Everyone took a few days off to get a whole week off, but I'm a newbie, so I don't get a holiday. I'll use this time to familiarize myself with how people work here. Most of the doors are open. Here I come!

07/01/13; 08:01AM

I just got back from a get-acquainted meeting with some of my fellow BloatWarriors (that's what we call ourselves). That's me on the left, of course, and Bill Berkowitz, Mark Cellinelli, and Judy Jetson.

I wonder, as do most people meet her, I'm sure, if her parents were fans of that excellent old TV show The Jetsons? It's like we live in their future, thanks to great companies like Bloatware. Yessss!

06/25/13; 11:46AM

I'm happy to say my new office is quite roomy and comfortable!

06/25/13; 11:43AM

I was just hired to be senior product evangelist at my favorite company in the world, Bloatware. I work out of the Boulder office, which is great, because that's where I grew up and went to school.

The job also involves international travel. It's great because I'll get to go to Europe, Asia, Africa even. All those years of French in high school and college might well pay off after all.

Our products are loved the world over. I am the luckiest senior product evangelist in the world because I get to work with the best people on the best products. I'm psyched!!

I can't wait to get the mail lists and feeds organized for our users!

06/25/13; 09:42AM

Last built: Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 6:55 PM

By Kim Parker, Tuesday, June 25, 2013 at 9:42 AM.