This feature allows you to set up a folder that we check periodically for new image files. If we find one, we upload it, and then open a dialog containing the URL of the image file, ready for you to insert into a blog post or other web-based document.
Choose the Settings command in the System menu at the right end of the menu bar.
Click on the CMS tab. There's a new checkbox that allows you to enable the "watched" folder. Screen shot.
In a few seconds a new folder is automatically created in your Small Picture folder called watched.
Copy an image into the folder. Wait a few seconds (as many as 11 or 12).
A dialog should appear with the URL of the image.
You can use it anywhere you would use the URL of an image. It doesn't even have to be in Fargo.
They don't have to be images. They could be MP3s, PDFs, whatever.
In your Dropbox of course.
Look in the new media sub-folder of the Small Picture folder.