Saturday, August 3, 2013 at 3:38 PM

Fargo's menus

The File menu

  • The File menu contains commands that for the most part, create, open and close files.

  • New, Open, Close and Save work as they do in desktop apps. They work on files in the Small Picture folder.

  • Outline settings opens a dialog that allows you to change default values for the outline in the active tab. More info.

  • Archive cursor creates an archive of the bar cursor outline.

  • Import OPML asks for the URL of an OPML file and imports it into the outline in the active tab, down from the bar cursor headline.

  • Name outline allows you to give the outline a public name.

  • Render Page creates and HTML rendering of the page the bar cursor points to. Render All Pages renders everything in the outline in the active tab. These are content management commands.

  • View In Reader opens the current outline in Small Picture Reader.

  • Get Public Link gets you a link to the file in the current tab. All your Dropbox files are private, until you create a public link to one. Then whoever you give that link to has read-only access to the file.

  • Open by URL asks for the URL of an OPML file and opens it in a new tab, in read-only mode. It notifies you when the outline has changed. You can remember these outlines using the Bookmarks menu.

The Outliner menu

  • Many of the commands in this menu are explained in the "Outliner Howto".

  • Expand -- expands the bar cursor headline, showing the first-level subs.

  • Expand All Subs -- expands all sub-heads at all levels under the bar cursor headline.

  • Expand Everything -- expands everything in the outline in the active tab.

  • Collapse -- collapses the bar cursor headline.

  • Collapse Everything -- collapses everything in the outline in the active tab, showing only the top-level headlines, or summits.

  • Show arrow pad -- opens a navigation and reorganization control allowing you to work with outlines on a device without a mouse or real keyboard, such as a tablet or a smartphone. More info.

  • Edit Attributes -- opens a dialog that allows you to edit, add or remove attributes attached to the bar cursor headline. More info.

  • Choose Icon... -- opens a dialog that allows you to attach a Font Awesome icon to the bar cursor headline. More info.

  • Add Include... -- opens a dialog prompting you for the URL of an OPML file include, through the headline pointed to by the bar cursor. More info.

  • Add Feed... -- opens a dialog prompting you for the URL of an RSS or Atom feed. The bar cursor headline will point to the feed. Useful for editing OPML subscription lists in Fargo.

  • Find -- prompts you for a string to search the current outline for. When you click OK, the search begins and the search stops on the first headline that contains the string. More info.

  • Find again -- repeats the previous find starting at the current bar cursor headline.

  • Run Selection -- runs the text of the bar cursor headline through the browser's JavaScript interpreter, inserting the resulting value as a subhead of the bar cursor headline.

  • Toggle Comment -- if the bar cursor headline is a comment, uncomment it. Or comment it if it's not commented.

  • Non-render mode -- switch between render mode and non-render mode. In render mode HTML markup is applied to the text, in non-render mode you see the actual markup (making it easier to edit the markup).

The Reorg menu

  • As with the Outliner menu, many of these commands are explained in the "Outliner Howto".

  • Move Up -- The bar cursor outline exchanges places with the outline above it.

  • Move Down -- The bar cursor outline exchanges places with the outline below it.

  • Move Left -- The bar cursor outline moves out one level, to become a sibling of its former parent.

  • Move Right -- The bar cursor outline moves in one level, to become the last child of its former sibling.

  • Promote -- All the subheads of the bar cursor headline move out one level.

  • Demote -- All the siblings of the bar cursor headline that are down from it move to the end of the bar cursor's child list.

The Bookmarks menu

  • There are two kinds of outlines in Fargo. 1. Editable outlines. 2. Watched outlines.

  • Editable outlines are in the Fargo sub-folder of your Dropbox Apps folder. Open them with the File/Open command. Watched outlines live elsewhere. You can open them in read-only mode via the Open By URL command, also in the File menu. When they update, your view of them updates.

  • The Bookmarks menu is for watched outlines. It works more or less like the Bookmarks menu in a web browser. When you have opened an outline that you want to remember, choose Add Bookmark from the Bookmarks menu. A dialog appears asking what you want to call the bookmark. We suggest the title of the outline (or the long title if it has one).

  • When you choose Edit Bookmarks, a new tab opens with the contents of the menu in an outline. You can edit the bookmarks there. The menu contains link nodes. You can change the text, or the URLs associated with the items, and reorganize the menu in any way you like.

  • Only the top level headlines are included in the Bookmarks menu.

  • See the Workgroups section for more on the Bookmarks menu.

The System menu

  • We call the menu at the right edge of the menubar the System menu. The name of this menu is the name you are logged-into Dropbox with, so on my system it says Dave Winer, and on your system it will have your name. Screen shot.

  • About Fargo -- opens a window with an outline that provides an overview of Fargo.

  • Settings -- opens a dialog with the global settings for Fargo.

  • Sign Out -- disconnects from Dropbox. This will take you through the startup process again, and you can connect with another Dropbox account if you like, or just sign off to prevent local access to your folder.

Last built: Tue, Dec 9, 2014 at 3:29 PM

By Dave Winer, Saturday, August 3, 2013 at 3:38 PM. Ask not what the Internet can do for you.